Vision & Mission
Vision - from the past participle of the Latin videre - "to see"
Northfield believes ... a liberal arts education enables the student to achieve dialectical maturity which means to
master the proven and perennial learning tools of the first three liberal arts ... grammar, logic and rhetoric ... known as the trivium
needed to articulate, relate and debate important scientific and cultural issues [timely or timeless]
in order to make informed choices that will reliably benefit both the individual and the community in a multitude of personally edifying and practically enriching ways.
Mission - from the past participle of the Latin mittere - "to send"
Northfield strives ... to achieve this vision by hosting teachers and families in the formation and operation of cohorts ... autonomous schools within the Northfield community ... which share
pedagogy - the use of the learning tools of the trivium,
conduct - seven simple rules for promoting individual integrity, interpersonal harmony and collective vitality,
infrastructure - the physical facilities and administrative applications which enable, record and communicate the vitality of every student.
Northfield exists ...
to assist the poorest students everywhere
to gain the best education anywhere.